Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Blog's Title

The title of my blog was easy to choose.

The "Kickin' Depression" is derived from an expression my sister uses. In discussing certain events and people, she often says "kick them to the curb". She means simply put that event / person out of your thoughts, out of your life, and move forward. Needless to say, she has told that to me many times these last few years. I have tried, and succeeded, to dismiss the not so nice events that occurred and to focus on the many good aspects of my life. As mentioned, I have also moved forward to the point where I can dismiss those people I think weren't there to help.

But I also wanted the title to reflect where I am now in my life. So, I considered a few ideas, but kept looking at the title that the National Post chose for my article. They decided on the title " How I returned to a life worth living." It just fit. I think I have returned to a real life, and it continues to improve. So, I thank Maryam Siddiqi, Deputy Editor, Arts & Life, National Post, for printing my story and for the title.

Thus, the title "My Return: Kickin' Depression"

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